Procter & Gamble - PR-Events

strong brands
Fashion Design Award
fashion experts & VIPs

Washcouture - Fashion Design Award

Ariel and Siemens present the Fashion Design Award for washable fashion

Task & Goals
Presentation of the cooperation between Ariel and Siemens around the content of preserving and uncomplicated mashine wash – together with the PR agency MS&L. presentation of both brands as innovative idea providers.

Idea & Realization
To prove that fashion and modern washing aren’t a contradiction anymore, Ariel and Siemens create encourage designers and design students to create collections around the theme „Wash-Couture“. The entries of 20 finalists will be presented in a fashion show with the top models Eva Padberg, Lydia Possner and Franziska Knuppe.After the show a celebrity jury will select the winner including the actress Katja Flint, the designers Otto Kern & Johnny Talbot, Dagmar Bily, chief editor of „Freundin“, Dietrich Metzger, president of the alliance of german fashion and textile designers e.V. (VDMD/DDV) and further experts. The WashCouture fashion show will be presented by Frauke Ludowig.

Attention-grabbing presentation of both brands through emotionalisation of „wash couture“. Generation of good media feedback through the PR agency MS&L with several publications.

strong brands
Fashion Design Award
fashion experts & VIPs
50 m²
casa Barilla
1 italian
show kitchen
Barilla stories

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