Procter & Gamble - Consumer Events

event days
54 million
media contacts

Pringles brings Boule to beach clubs

Pringles Super Boules Cup tours 5 German cities

Task & Goals
Conception and implementation of an attention-grabbing nationwide roadshow campaign based on event platforms specifically aimed at target groups. Generation of product contacts through tasting and sales. Increased retail sales.

Idea & Realization
Pringles utilizes the lifestyle trend of boules and carries out the “Pringles Super Boules Cup 2005” with a unique competition. Attention-grabbing events are staged in five beach clubs suited to the target group.

Durable Pringles areas are created in the brand’s look & feel that will be part of the beach clubs for the entire season. The brand world blends into the existing landscapes of the beach clubs. Professional boules coaches explain the rules and demonstrate the sport on specially installed boules courts. Trendy promotion teams give product tastings. In order to increase sales, the beach club catering will be equipped accordingly.

The BTL campaign will be networked with the brand’s own online portal. Posters, ads, PR and flyers carry the campaign.

Pringles positioning as a lifestyle product is bolstered. The overall image is enhanced in the target group of opinion leaders. 12 event days with 8,000 visitors. 341 days of super boules in the beach clubs. Generation of 150,000 on-site contacts and over 54 million media contacts.


Download our free white paper on “Rock your Brand – Why brands should get involved at festivals” here.

event days
54 million
media contacts
World of experience
On- & Offline-World

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