eBay / Paypal - Pop-Up Store

shopping space
christmas prestens
over 10.000
relaxed visitors

eBay "Kaufraum" - Barcode Boutique - Berlin

With a 400m² pop-up store eBay and Paypal show how modern shopping works.

Task & Goal
Conception and design of a temporary brand world as a Christmas promotion to make the mobile revolution of eBay and Paypal an experience.

Idea & Realization
A 400 m² “Kaufraum” was set-up as a temporary pop-up store in the center of Berlin. This provided visitors with an exciting look at the future, answering questions like „How will we shop and pay in the coming years?“ by making the living room, café and fashion boutique of the future a tangible experience.

Visitors were able to take care of their Christmas shopping in a relaxed atmosphere, far away from long lines and heavy bags. The future-oriented link between online and offline trade could actually be experienced in the salesroom: 150 products could be selected offline and then easily purchased online via the eBay homepage by simply scanning the product’s QR code with a smartphone.

The successful staging of the mobile revolution of eBay and Paypal. Brand-compliant and innovative communication in space which makes tomorrow experiencable today. Several thousand visitors before and after Christmas. Comprehensive reporting by the media in specialized trade and lifestyle media.


Whitepaper free of charge

“Pop-up 3.0 – Space for Brand Experience, Sales & Stories”.

All about the success factors of pop-up stores and how to use them successfully for your brand communication even during the pandemic, as well as inspiring success cases and the latest global trends.


shopping space
christmas prestens
over 10.000
relaxed visitors
the unexpected

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