Coty Inc. - Exhibition Events

WhatsApp Messages
9 brand
color DJ

Destination Beauty - Dusseldorf

Coty Professional Beauty’s exhibition presence at TOP HAIR 2018 in Dusseldorf. First time use of WhatsApp services as innovative communication media.

Tasks & Goals

Design, concept and implementation of Destination Beauty, the exhibition presence for Coty Professional Beauty at the TOP HAIR in Dusseldorf. The task was to present the diverse brand portfolio – consisting of Wella Professionals, System Professional EnergyCode, Londa Professionals, EIMI, Invigo, OPI, Sebastian and ghd – individual and fit to the brand. For the first time, EAST END put the newly developed WhatsApp service to use.

Idea & Realization

At the focus of Coty’s brand portfolio was the market leader Wella with a 200m² exhibition area that offered numerous innovations to visitors. The world premiere of „Color DJ“, the latest salon-exclusive color innovation that can be created from over 16 billion different combinations of care, color and fragrance components was a special highlight. Visitors were also able to inform themselves about the latest color, care and products and take part in various live presentations. At the Londa Professional booth, brand messenger Baerbel Hopf inspired visitors with beauty tips at the „Insta Style Bar“.

In addition to the design, concept and implementation of the trade fair presentation, EAST END put the newly developed WhatsApp service as a communication media to use for the first time. In an innovative manner, visitors were informed about Wella and all other brands and about the program items via WhatsApp prior to and during the trade exhibition.


Within the scope of the design and implementation of Destination Beauty, EAST END played out their conceptual strength. Numerous booths tempted visitors to learn about the latest products in an interactive way.

By using the new WhatsApp services, the guests were also able to experience the individual markets and get to know them in an individual manner. The innovative communication service gave Coty new possibilities for promoting information and interacting with the target group.


Download our free white paper on “Rock your Brand – Why brands should get involved at festivals” here.

WhatsApp Messages
9 brand
color DJ
pop-up store
1 world of wine
countless wine tastings
Quality wines
by Günther Jauch

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